
Brühl-Conference 2019

(from left) Amjad Awwad, Hartmut Jokisch, Emil Abdo Panel of palestine Cities with partners in Germany (white on black labels those municipalities with a running project) Partner-Cities in Germany (black labels: Project-Partnerships) Conference-opening

Visit in Bad Oldesloe

Amjad Awad (Mayor of Jifna) and Emil Abdo (Project-Coordinator) visited first the Palestine-Conference at Brühl (Nordrhein-Westfalen) from 24th to 27th September 2019 and then until 1st of October the twinning-city Bad Oldesloe (Schleswig-Holstein) Amjad Awwad is signing the Golden Book of Bad Oldesloe Emil Abdo and Jörg Lembke (Mayor of Bad Oldesloe) are exchanging presents Planting a tree of friendship (Apricot) on the Square of Twinning Cities at Bad Oldesloe [from left: Dr. Hartmut Jokisch (Commissioner for the Partnership with Jifna), Amjad Awad (Mayor of Jifna), Jörg Lembke (Mayor of Bad Oldesloe), Hildegard Pontow (Council-President of Bad Oldesloe) and Ilse Magdalena Siebel (Friendship-Association Beer Yaacov/Jifna e.V.) ] Memorial stone of the town twinnings [from left: Pontow, Awad, Lembke, Abdo] Control panel of the Sewage Plant in Bad Oldesloe [from left: Jürgen Fahl (Head of Bad Oldesloe's munic...
Bürgermeister Jörg Lembke in Jifna Im Oktober 2018 besuchte Jörg Lembke zusammen mit Mitgliedern des Freundeskreises Beer Yaacov / Jifna e.V. die Partnerstadt Jifna im Westjordanland.

Visualisierungen zum Palästina-Problem

Informationen über Palästina graphisch aufbereitet

German government helps Gaza-people

Donation for Watertank in Gaza

February 2017 - The wastewater-project

Jürgen Fahl and me, we visited Jifna to discuss the possibility to get support from Engagement Global for a waste-water-project in Jifna. The center of Jifna. The pool gets its water pumped up from Virgin St. Mary's Spring (6m below the surface) This water is not clean, because of the WC's in the houses around the center place.  The toilets dump their faeces down to the ground into the  layers of crumbled ancient buildings below Mayor Maher Abu Khali, Jürgen Fahl, Michael Shqair on the hillside up to Jalazoun, from where the wastewater comes down the hill inside the wastewaterline (and sometimes even outside). Downhill you can look at Jifna in the north. The wastewater-pipeline downstream outside of Jifna

German Support for Palestinian soccer

The world champion in football supports palestinian soccer